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Are Electric Scooters Legal in NYC?

Are Electric Scooters Legal in NYC?

In short, yes, electric scooters ARE legal in NYC.

So, whether you're a visiting tourist, or a resident wondering whether or not electric scooters are legal in New York City, worry no more, because they are!

Initially there was a lot of discussion politically about the status of e-scooters in the state, and it wasn't clear what the rules around the use of electric scooters on the city's streets were.

But back in November 2020, New York legalized e-bikes and e-scooters statewide in an agreement reached earlier that year during the last legislative session. This was of course great news for commuters, students, delivery workers, and all New Yorkers.

Why has this discussion become important now?

Electric scooters and e-bikes, whether shared or owned, are becoming essential components of transportation systems worldwide.

Legislators in New York City worried that personal electric vehicles might create even more traffic congestion, however data suggests the opposite is true. Since the new law took effect there has not been enough time yet to see how much of an impact it has had on the streets, but with the right implementation, it should ease traffic.

The law covers pedal-assisted e-bikes that can reach speeds of up to 20 miles (32 km) per hour, throttle-controlled e-bikes that can top out at 20 mph (or 25 mph (40 km/h) in cities of over a million people), and electric scooters that reach speeds of up to 15 mph (25 km/h).
